Budget-friendly tips

By gapnsw.com.au
March 29, 2023 09:00
Another month and unfortunately another monthly rate rise from the RBA. With more rate rises tipped to come in 2023, the cost of living is hurting households in a big way. 

In this tough environment, households are looking to save money in any way they can including tightening discretionary spending on things like coffee and take-out, as well as scrutinising the cost of groceries by switching items out for cheaper options.

The cost of owning a dog can be significant, particularly if they eat a specialised diet or have unexpected illnesses but there are ways you can save money.

Here are some cost-saving measures that you can implement:

  •  Review your pet insurance: Pet insurance can be the single most expensive expense (outside of food) for dogs. It pays to review the cost and benefits of your insurance against others in the market to ensure you're getting the best deal. While the annual cost may not come down, you may find an insurer with more inclusions for the same cost (and therefore reduce your out-of-pocket expenses).
  •  Complete diet: choose a complete diet such as Ivory Coat Dog food, which although may seem like an expensive outlay for a big bag of kibble, it is often cheaper and offers a balance diet without having to worry about all of the additional supplements you need when feeding a fresh diet.
  • Sourcing fresh food: If you feed your pooch a fresh food diet, consider sourcing your food directly from local butchers or co-ops which will be able to provide significant discounts on retail prices for bulk or ongoing purchases.
  • Give up or reduce the frequency of luxuries: If you employ a dog walker or groomer, you may want to consider reducing the frequency of these luxuries and making the time to walk your dog and groom them at home - on the plus side this a great bonding exercise!
  • DIY treats: Try your hand at making homemade treats like biscuits, frozen pupsicles and breath mints, which can be made in bulk and keep well in the pantry or freezer.