The spread of kindness and generosity.

May 01, 2020 00:05

In the unprecedented times we are all currently experiencing, it can become difficult to see the glass half full. But these challenging times have also sparked kindness in towns and communities across Australia.

Support groups have been popping up all over the globe, looking to ensure that those who are most vulnerable in our communities have access to what they need. Anything from food, medical supplies and household items are all being offered up – including food for pets.

Jacci Pillar Au of the ‘Kindness Pandemic’ Facebook group experienced first-hand the extent of kindness within her community. She expressed her frustration in trying to get food for her dog Pepper “I’ve had barrier after barrier in getting help for me and my trained medical assistance dog Pepper.”

She goes on to say the “worst thing was hoarders have prevented me getting chicken for Pepper … but today people have banded together to bring me whole chooks, bread and milk. And a little bunch of roses and some lemons.”

The acts of kindness left her in tears “I’m crying as I type this. But it’s from a grateful heart and relief and feeling cared for again”, she said on her Facebook page.

Jacci’s story is just one of countless selfless acts flooding social media as people turn to support one another during challenging times.

People are also sharing pictures of their beloved pooches to bring a little joy to those who are isolated without a pet to keep them company.

Peter Mekviboon posted a photo of his dog captioned “just want to share a picture of my dog to maybe bring a smile to your face” which sparked 433 responses, while there have been countless people showcasing photos of their own fur balls.

With the world in the grip of the coronavirus it can be easy to feel dejected, angry, and uncertain of what the future holds. But one thing is for sure, choosing to be kind and take care of those around us will make a positive impact, even in the darkest of days.